Monday, August 27, 2012

-NewsBit: Increase in gun violence

For the last couple of weeks, gun violence all across the united states has been an almost daily occurrence. The Empire State shooting is yet another example of this seemingly ceaseless spree killings. Following the attack (in which all bystanders hit were shot by police and not the gunman), witnesses and general public started to blame politicians. They then began to blame the gun policy within New York City, which is the most strictest in the nation.

To be blunt, gun law in New York City in and of itself has been a useless tool to keep guns out of the hands of unstable individuals. Our current laws did NOT make a difference in either the Colorado shootings (a.k.a The Dark Knight Rises shootings) or the empire state shootings. Both of these individuals had obtained the guns legally, and neither had any signs that would have disqualified them from obtaining them. Broader federal legislation is needed to remedy this problem of gun violence, but as it stands America can't come to a consensus on virtually anything. Or perhaps, they are of a consensus, but that view is not represented in the political discourse of the politicians. With the even more incredible amount of money needed to actually become a representative (at any level of government), how can any politician truly have the best of those the claim to represent at heart? But that is another topic for another time.

Honestly, with the amount of guns that Americans own and are actively purchasing, I don't even think that passing more stringent laws would be beneficial. As the numbers currently stand, America is insanely inundated with guns. The United States currently has the highest rate of gun ownership IN THE WORLD. This includes both so called first world and third world nations, and even higher than in Russia, Iran, China, etc. China is well over a billion strong, and even they do not have a higher gun rate. Africa is also a billion deep, and is also lacking when gun rate is compared to the united states.

Each year 8 million new guns are produced by manufacturers, and apparently Americans buy up at least HALF OF ALL NEWLY PRODUCED GUNS. It pains me to say it but no amount of legislation in the world will fix this problem of gun violence. There needs to be discourse in the public realm amongst the American citizenry as to why it is so incredibly gun crazy. Every single nation on earth does not hold a candle to the overall rate and the actual amount of guns owned by the United States.

Besides, just like in all the shootings prior, any mention of regulation only spikes the amount of gun purchases further. In the end, it seems Americans will probably wind up killing herself.


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